
Photo Update

Here are a few shots from around these parts over this last week. David, fixing to paddle out. Whit and Nico, utilizing a smaller day to refurbish surfboards. A piece of the RSS quiver. Lindsey and Whit, celebrating a good...

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The First Real Swell

Here are a few shots from our session down the hill yesterday.  Even with a tweaked back, John Barrie is still throwing buckets. Whit Arnold, hunting for it. And the best intern ever, Chris Poe, frothing on some of...

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The Season Is Upon Us

We’ve had some great groups and great waves over this last week. These are just a few lifestyle shots from our newest photographer, Matt Milone. Coaches Jennifer, Ryan and John here scoping it out. A few clients getting an...

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Dirty, Yet Clean

We had an awesome session down the hill last Saturday. And while the water quality wasn’t great, conditions certainly were. John Barrie on this one, putting on a clinic for the rest of us. Richard Reeves, keeping the sweet...

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Fony Forecast

While the forecast was a bit misleading, we still managed to snag a few fun ones from this last swell.  Above, one gem of an A-frame which managed to sneak through untouched. Even though it was smaller than anticipated,...

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Surf & Yoga

We had a fun sunset surf and yoga session with our friends from Tres Sirenas the other day. It was a peaceful way to finish the week and kick off the weekend. After the girls showed us a few...

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Weekly Update

Just an update on what’s been going on with the RSS crew this week.  Jimmy Hancock, a.k.a. JimmyWhiteMan, a.k.a. TheMarathonMan, a.k.a. Jimmy… We scored on a last minute sunset session in our own backyard last night. The crew managed...

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Mamma Moore

Jason and our newest guest at the RSS house, Erik, made their way up to Isabella this morning. On top of that–Travis and Lucas’ mom, Susannah Moore, decided to hop in on the action. She and Jimmy made quite...

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One For The Books

  We’ve been busy with a great crew of folks from all over the globe this week. Now they share that which we’re so passionate about here at RSS. That’s right, surfing. Above, a few shots from our session...

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Weekly Randoms

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