We got a few fun clips during an unexpected swell this June and figured it was worth picking out a few of our favorite moments to look back on. There were two unforgettable sessions in particular. One in the evening on logs and the other first thing the following morning on shortboards. This is Billy Moore enjoying one of his many long rights at picture perfect Antonio’s.
This sequence is from our evening longboard session. It’s been a minute getting this fins first take-off dialed. But, you couldn’t ask for better conditions than Antonio’s like this to work on the maneuver. Above is a sequence of Whit Arnold on a successful run at it.
Pete Connolly a.k.a. @sneakypedro will now also answer to Steezy Pete. Notice his comfortably tall stance on this one and look forward to the day we capture the cut back he’s been working on.
Chris Poe on what was probably the best image we took away from these unexpected conditions. It’s pretty unheard of to throw turns down on a shortboard this time of year in Rincon and this was hands down one of the best waves that rolled through all day. And Poe didn’t blow it, but he didn’t get barreled either.
We all played around with the POV shot and it’s safe to say, those get old quick. What’s cool is you get a lot of content when everybody trades off shooting each other. But when everyone gets in the habit of taking selfie after selfie, it starts to get boring. Every once in a while though, somebody gets a good shot like Timmy Taussig setting his line on this one.
Be well everybody. More to come soon!